Abdallah Benanteur was born in Mostaganem, Algeria, in 1931. He began painting flowers and still life scenes at age 11 and later attended sculpture workshops before enrolling at the School of...

ABDALLAH BENANTEUR, Algeria (1931 - 2017)
Written by L'Or Iman Puymartin
Abdallah Benanteur was born in Mostaganem, Algeria, in 1931. He began painting flowers and still life scenes at age 11 and later attended sculpture workshops before enrolling at the School of Fine Arts in Oran, where he studied for four years. Benanteur settled permanently in Paris in 1953 and taught at the École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts and the École Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs from 1971 to 1974.
Benanteur’s style developed under the guidance of Robert Martin at the School of Fine Arts in Oran. Martin also introduced him to Abdelkader Guermaz and Mohammed Khadda, who were integral players in the first wave of significant modern Algerian artists. He became particularly close to Khadda, and the two shared a fascination for the poets Al-Hallaj, Omar Khayyam, Ibn Arabi, and Saadi. In the early 1950s, Benanteur and Khadda moved to Paris to attend the Académie de la Grande Chaumière, an untraditional art school in the city’s Montparnasse district. Benanteur was involved in a circle of writers, poets, filmmakers, and painters with whom he often collaborated. He illustrated much of the poet Jean Sénac’s work, in particular, in homage to their native Algeria. During his time in Paris, Benanteur practiced illustration, typography, sculpture, and etching, though painting remained his primary medium.
Benanteur’s brother, Charef, disappeared during the Algerian War of Independence (1954-1962). In 1965, the artist chose to commemorate his beloved sibling with the foundation of the Charef Collection, which ultimately amassed 1,500 works over 40 years.
In keeping with the untraditional training he received in Montparnasse, Benanteur strayed from academic methods of painting. His unique style mainly developed outside the classroom, through diligent visits to the Louvre and other museums as well as travels throughout Europe. His choice to make nonfigurative art mirrored his struggles far from home. Wanting to visualize every emotion, he layered quick and precise gestures to create mosaic-like images of landscapes and people that reminded him of his homeland. His palette varied considerably throughout his oeuvre, ranging from heavy to bright tones and often employing earthy green, blue and brown pigments. In the early ‘90s, Benanteur began creating diptychs and triptychs to track events through their evolutionary stages, seeking merely to define two or more states side by side instead of creating severe juxtapositions.
Benanteur passed away in Ivry-sur-Seine, France in 2017.
"Abdallah Benanteur." Algeriades. Accessed January 30, 2018. https://www.algeriades.com/abdallah-benanteur-عبداله/article/abdallah-benanteur-1931-2017.
"Abdallah Benanteur." Wikipedia. Accessed January 30, 2018. https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abdallah_Benanteur.
Hérissé, Marc, Raoul-Jean Moulin, and Bernard Fabre. Benanteur Peintures. Paris: EDITIONS CLEA, 2002.
Selected Solo Exhibitions
Benanteur:The Song of Pain. Desert Paintings,1958-1962, Galerie Claude Lemand, Paris, France
Tribute To Beirut: Abdallah Benanteur, Galerie Claude Lemand, Paris, France
Abdallah Benanteur, Works Of Light. Paintings, 1953-2003, Le Grarage, Amboise, France
Le Chant de la Terre, Retrospective and Homage, City of Issoudun Museum, France
Le Testament, peintures ultimes, 2003-2011, galerie Claude Lemand, Paris
Une Passion à partager, peintures, 1955-2011, galerie Claude Lemand, Paris
Art Dubai Modern, galerie Claude Lemand, Paris
Le Chant de la Terre, peintures, 1982-1999, galerie Claude Lemand, Paris
Du Désert au Jardin, peintures de 1959-1989, galerie Claude Lemand, Paris
Un itinéraire, 1957-2011, galerie Claude Lemand, Paris
Benanteur, peintures récentes, 2001-2011, galerie Claude Lemand, Paris
Benanteur, peintures des années 80, galleries Claude Lemand, Paris
Art Paris, galerie Protée, Paris
Abdallah Benanteur, le peintre des poètes, retrospective, Institut du monde arabe, Paris, France
Claude Lemand Gallery, Paris, France
Claude Lemand Gallery, Paris, France
Claude Lemand Gallery, Paris, France
Claude Lemand Gallery, Paris, France
Le triomphe de la Peinture, Claude Lemand Gallery, Paris, France
Lumière et mémoire, Claude Lemand Gallery, Paris, France
Work from the 80s, Claude Lemand Gallery, Paris, France
Work on paper, National Museum of Fine Arts, Alger, Algeria
Claude Lemand Gallery, Paris, France
Claude Lemand Gallery, Paris, France
Claude Lemand Gallery, Paris, France
Galerie ISMA, Alger, Algeria
Étienne Dinet Gallery, Paris, France
Centre culturel algérien, Paris, France
Palais des congrés, Brussels, Belgium
Galerie Protée, Paris
Les illuminations de Al-Hallaj, polyptyque, Lyon, France
32 ouvrages composes, Illustrations by Benanteur, Nicaise Library, Paris, France
Peintures et oeuvres graphiques, Palais des Arts et de la Culture, Brest, France
L’Air pauvre, poems by Monique Boucher, etchings by Benanteur, Aliscans Library, Paris, France
Galerie Bernier, Paris, France
Association France-Algérie, Paris, France
Six poems d’Emily Dickinson, etchings by Benanteur, Le Fanal library, Paris, France
Galerie Herbinet, Paris, France
Espoire et parole, poems by Jean Sénac, etchings by Benanteur, Beaune Press, Paris, France
Diwan du mole, poems by Jean Sénac, etchings by Benanteur, Dominique Library, Paris, France
Matinales de mon people, poems by Jean Sénac, illustrations by Benanteur, Le Fanal library, Paris, France
Aquarelles, Philadelphia, USA
Aquarelles, Hamburg, Germany
Aquarelles, Lausanne, France
Peintures, Worpswede Kunstalle, Hamburg, Copenhagen, Stuttgart
Peintures et aquarelles, Club des Quatre-Vents, Paris
Galerie Cimaise, Paris
Selected Group Exhibitions
Arab Presences: Modern Art And Decolonisation: Paris 1908-1988, Musée d'Art Moderne de Paris, Paris, France
Masterpieces, Galerie Claude Lemand, Paris, France
Taking Shape: Abstraction from the Arab World, 1950s–1980s, The Block Museum, Evanston, Chicago, Illinois, USA
Algérie mon amour: Artistes de la Fraternité Algérienne 1953-2021, Institut du Monde Arabe, Paris, France
Algerian Modernism, Elmarsa, Dubai, Al Quoz, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
En attendant Omar Gatlato: A Survey of Art from Algeria and Its Diaspora, Triangle-Astérides, Marseille, France
A la Plume, Au Pinceau, Au Crayon, Dessins du Monde Arabe, World, Institut du monde, Paris, France
A Century in Flux, Highlights from the Barjeel Art Foundation, Sharjah Art Museum,
Sharjah, UAE
Donation Claude & France Lemand, Museum, Institut du monde arabe, Paris, France
Paris from East and West, Galerie Claude Lemand, Art Paris, Grand Palais, Paris, France
Portrait de l’Oiseau-Qui-N’Existe-Pas, Maison des Arts, ANTONY, France
Chefs-D’oeuvre De L’art Moderne Et Contemporain Arabe , organized by Barjeel Art Foundation at the Institut du monde arabe, Paris, France
Tour du Monde en Tondo, Musée de l’Hospice Saint Roch, Issoudun, France
Tondo from East and West, Espace Claude Lemand, Paris, France
From East, Afrika and West, Art Paris Art Fair 2017, Grand Palais, Paris, France
The sea suspended, organized by Barjeel Art Foundation at the Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art (TMoCA), Teheran, Iran
Arab Modern Artists, Espace Claude Lemand, Paris, France
Modern Arab Masterpieces, Espace Claude Lemand, Paris, France
Small is beautiful. Gouaches on paper, 1973, Galerie Claude Lemand, Paris, France
Portrait of The-Non-Existent-Bird. Collection of Claude and France Lemand, Museum of Issoudun, France
Landscape and Arab Modernity, Espace Claude Lemand, Paris, France
Arab Modernities, Espace Claude Lemand, Paris, France
The Black and the Blue. A Mediterranean Dream, MUCEM, Marseille, France
Summary, Part 1, Mathaf Collection, Mathaf: Arab Museum of Modern Art, Doha, Qatar
Festival of Small Size Works, Galerie Claude Lemand, Paris, France
The Black and the Blue. A Mediterranean Dream, MUCEM, Marseille, France
Tajreed (Arab Abstract Art), Contemporary Art Platform (CAP), Kuwait City, Kuwait
D’Orient et d’Occident,
Galerie Claude Lemand, Paris, France
Arab Masterpieces,
Espace Claude Lemand, Paris, France
Maîtres du Tondo, Galerie Claude Lemand, Paris, France
Les Arts de l’Exil. Œuvres de dix artistes du Monde arabe, émigrés ou exilés en Europe et aux USA, Espace Claude Lemand, Paris, France
D’Orient et d’Occident, CAP Kuwait, Kuwait
D’Orient et d’Occident, Galerie Claude Lemand, Paris, France
Sajjil: A Century of Modern Art, Mathaf: Arab Museum of Modern Art, Doha, Qatar
Claude Lemand Editeur d’Art. Sculptures, estampes et livres de 7 artistes édités par la galerie, Espace Claude Lemand, Paris, France
Maîtres du Tondo, Galerie Claude Lemand, Paris, France
Arab Graphic Arts, Galerie Claude Lemand, Paris, France
Word into Art, British Museum, Dubai, UAE
Oeuvres majeures, Espace Claude Lemand, Paris, France
VIe Biennale Internationale de la Gravure d'Ile-de-France, Versailles, France
Maîtres du Tondo, Galerie Claude Lemand, Paris, France
Mille Portraits de l’Oiseau-Qui-N’Existes-Pas, Galerie Claude Lemand, Paris, France
Hommage à Shafic Abboud, Galerie Claude Lemand, Paris, France
Maîtres du Tondo, Galerie Claude Lemand, Paris, France
D’Orient et d’Occident, Galerie Claude Lemand, Paris, France
Maîtres du Tondo, Galerie Claude Lemand, Paris, France
Les Papiers du Cœur, Galerie Claude Lemand, Paris, France
Maîtres du Tondo, Galerie Claude Lemand, Paris, France
Portrait de l’Oiseau-Qui-N’Existes-Pas, Galerie Claude Lemand, Paris, France
Les effets du voyage: 25 Artistes Algériens, Palais des Congrès et de la Culture de Mans, France
Maîtres du Tondo, Galerie Claude Lemand, Paris, France
Itinéraire d’une galerie, Grenoble, France
Maîtres du Tondo, Galerie Claude Lemand, Paris, France
Une collection privée, Huiles sur toile, Naha City, Japan
Arab Heritage, Alkhobar, Saudi Arabia
Palais des Beaux-Arts, Marseille, France
Awards and Honors
Member of the Committee for Young Engraving (Comité de la Jeune Gravure), Paris, France
Member of the National Committee for the Illustrated French Book (Comité National du Livre Illustré Français) Paris, France
Member of the National Library and the Arsenal Library, Paris, France
Biella International Prize, Italy
Tour Du Monde en Tondo
Portraits de l’Oiseau-Qui-N’Existe-Pas
Benanteur, Graphic Works
Benanteur, Paintings
Poetry and Exile
National Museum of Fine Arts, Algiers, Algeria
National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Algiers, Algeria
Institut du Monde Arabe, Paris, France
Barjeel Art Foundation, Sharjah, UAE
Ramzi and Saeda Dalloul Art Foundation, Beirut, Lebanon
Mathaf: Arab Museum of Modern Art, Doha, Qatar
Barjeel Art Foundation, Sharjah, UAE
Le peintre franco-algérien Abdallah Benanteur s’est éteint Connaissance des Arts.pdf
الرسام الجزائري عبدالله بن عنتر ينتصر للتجريد في باريس .pdf
جزايرس _ الفنان عبد الله بن عنتر يعيد اكتشاف العالم في معرضه بباريس.pdf
Arabic Magazine.pdf
الفجر - يومية جزائرية مستقلة - الفنان التشكيليان رشيد القريشي وعبد الله بن عنتر.. يتألّقان في الأردن.pdf
Abdallah Benanteur nous a quittés.pdf
Seif Wanly Summary Part 1 at Mathaf.pdf
وفاة الرسّام الجزائري بن عنتر عبد الله.pdf
Abdallah Benanteur _ Barjeel Art Foundation.pdf
Seif Wanly Summary Part 1 at Mathaf.pdf
Abdallah Benanteur (Algeria), To Monet, Giverny, 1983 - Grey Art Gallery.pdf
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