Last updated on Sat 23 March, 2013
From the Hasselblad Foundation collection
March 23–May 19, 2013
Still Life/Work Life – From the Hasselblad Foundation Collection is the first in a series of thematic exhibitions based on the Hasselblad Foundation Collection. The exhibition unites two very different photographic genres, still life and documentary photography, in works by 25 artists. The juxtaposition of still lives and photographs documenting work life reflects photography’s complex cultural history, as well as the rich and varied collection of the Hasselblad Foundation.
With works by: Marie Andersson, Yngve Baum, Kerstin Bernhard, Elina Brotherus, Dawid, William Eggleston, Monica Englund, Hiroshi Hamaya, Kerstin Hamilton, Jean Hermansson, Lars Johansson, Ulla Jokisalo, Sune Jonsson, Stig T Karlsson, Tuija Lindström, Lennart Nilsson, Georg Oddner, Irving Penn, Walid Raad, Björn Rantil, Åsa Stjerna, Trine Søndergaard, Tuuli Truhponen, Filippo Zambon, Pernilla Zetterman
Curators: Dragana Vujanovic och Louise Wolthers.
Thanks to Arctic Paper och Göteborgstryckeriet
Artist Talks and Guided Tours
17 April, 6 pm Yngve Baum, Kerstin Hamilton and Björn Rantil
15 May, 6 pm Monica Englund, Pernilla Zetterman
Public tours every Sunday at 1 pm
Book Release in Stockholm
The book STILL LIFE / WORK LIFE is published in conjunction with the exhibition, in collaboration with Art and Theory Publishing. A book release will be held at Konst-ig book store in Stockholm, 9 April, 6-8 pm.
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