George Bahgory (cartoonist, Egypt) / من سمر ميديا / جرجس بهجوري، - مصر
Author StandAloneMedia2

Egyptian cartoonist George Bahgoury is regarded as the father of Egyptian caricature. His political cartoons have featured in Arabic newspapers for decades. Born in Luxor in Upper Egypt, he has lived in Paris since 1970. Here he discusses his life and work, and the problems of being an artist in post-revolutionary Egypt.
الحلقة الثانية من سلسلة مقابلات مع فناني الكاريكاتير من العالم العربي
مقابلة مع الفنان المصري جرجس بهجوري
2nd Episode of SAMAR MEDIA's series of interviews on Cartoonists from the Arab World.
Interview of Egyptian cartoonist George Bahgory.
2e épisode de la série sur les caricaturistes du monde arabe produite par SAMAR MEDIA.
Portrait de l'Egyptien George Bahgory.