The Atlas Group (1989-2004) / A project by Walid Raad / Culturgest / Lisbon, Portugal
Author VernissageTV

The Atlas Group was a project undertaken by Walid Raad to research and document the contemporary history of Lebanon, with particular emphasis on the wars of 1975 to 1990. Raad found and produced audio, visual, and literary documents that shed light on this history. The documents were preserved in The Atlas Group Archive which is located in Beirut and New York. Walid Raad’s works to date include mixed media installations, performance, video and photography, as well as literary essays. Walid Raad was born in Lebanon and lives in New York. He is Associate Professor in Cooper Union (New York) and also a member of the Arab Image Foundation (Beirut/New York). Miguel Wandschneider, the curator of the show talks about the values of fiction and facts in the work of Walid Raad. Until December 30, 2007 in the Gallery 1 at Culturgest Lisbon. The catalogue “Scratching on Things I Could Disavow” is published on the occasion of the exhibition by Culturgest and Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, Köln.
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