Exhibition explores Palestinian landscapes
Author AP Archives

(5 Apr 2019) LEADIN
An exhibition exploring Palestinian landscapes has opened in the West Bank.
"Intimate Terrains" includes work from 36 Palestinian artists from around the world.
Visitors arrive at the Palestine Museum in Birzeit.
They're here to see "Intimate Terrains," an exhibition which explores the representations of Palestinian landscape.
Lama Takruri is an assistant curator.
"Landscape is an old theme in the art world and has its history but the Palestinian landscape has its own specificity because of the occupation and the urban extension," she says.
Palestinian artist Sliman Mansour shows how a landscape can be reflected in art.
His work uses hundreds of pieces of dry clay which serve to depict olive trees and the silhouettes of two bodies, giving the effect of a bichrome mosaic.
"This is to show the fragmentation of the Palestinian cause, the Palestinian territory and the Palestinian people," says Mansour.
He says the use of clay emanated from the boycott of Israeli goods such as painting tools and colours.
As a result, he turned to materials from his environment for his work.
"I am from a village and in the past I saw my grandmother using clay and this has contributed me to using clay in my artwork since 1988," he adds.
Spanning from the 1930s to the present day, the work of 36 Palestinian artists from around the world range from sculptures to video work and painting.
"Everyone visiting the exhibition will find themselves standing in front of one artwork more than any of the other pieces, as though communicating with this artwork," says assistant curator Takruri.
The exhibition runs until December 31.
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