Written by Arthur Debsi Born in Qameshli, Syria, in 1951, Youssef Abdelke comes from a highly politically active family. His grandfather, Hanna Abdelke is the author of the anticlerical book...

Written by Arthur Debsi
Born in Qameshli, Syria, in 1951, Youssef Abdelke comes from a highly politically active family. His grandfather, Hanna Abdelke is the author of the anticlerical book entitled Syriac Christian Patriarch written during the 1930s[1]; and his father, Abdel Ahad Abdelke was a leader of a communist organization, regularly imprisoned during the 1960s and the 1970s, notably for his commitment to the Kurdish cause[2]. Hence, the young Youssef grew up listening to political conversations, and familiarizing himself with the idea of secularity. In 1966, Abdelke left his hometown to settle in Damascus where he later studied etching at the Faculty of Fine Arts and graduated in 1976. The topic of his final year project was about an event called ‘Black September’,which happened in Jordan, between 1970 and 1971. At that time, King Hussein of Jordan (1935-1999) launched military operations against the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) and the fedayeen who unsuccessfully attempted to overthrow the Hashemite monarchy. Thus, Youssef Abdelke illustrated the crackdown of the Palestinian people[3]. Also, because of his involvement in the League for Communist Action, he was arrested under the presidency of Hafez Al-Assad (1930-2000) and put in prison in 1979. Two years later, he was forced into exile and went to France where he completed his education at École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts in Paris, obtaining a diploma in etching in 1986. He eventually earned his doctorate in plastic arts from University of Paris VIII in 1989.
In Paris, Youssef Abdelke went to street markets to find the subjects of his paintings. He asked several pet vendors to sell him their dead birds, but they found the inquiry strange, they took him for a maniac and refused. In response, he then started to buy live birds instead, which he would have to kill himself.
Since 1968, Youssef Abdelke produced caricatures and children’s illustration[4] including posters, and book covers[5]. Yet, he progressively showed clear positions that he adopted to denounce injustice, and oppression. In the 1980s in Paris, he got interested in the paintings of the German artist Otto Dix (1891-1969) and the caricaturist George Grosz (1893-1959). His art moved towards a more expressionist style. He focused on illustrating the human being living harsh conditions, suffering and being alienated. As of 1987, he started producing a series of works of pastel and collages on paper that he called ‘Figures’ whose five examples are part of the Dalloul Art Foundation’s collection. In this series, he used vivid colors and straight lines to repeat the same scene: a full frontal view of three standing people – often two men and one woman – and that he varied afterwards. In the middle of this trio such as in Figures no.4 (1992), there is always an imposing man with a moustache and an austere look. This character is an army officer or a representative of the authority, according to the sash and the medals suspended from the uniform that he wears, and exudes greed[6]. He also has a sort of recorder in his hands as well as the other characters accompanying him who sometimes hold strange instruments like in Figures no.5 (1993) and Figures no.6 (1992), both part of the Dalloul Art collection. These scenes create an oppressive and threatening atmosphere almost like a nightmare, and might bring the memories of Abdelke’s incarceration as the figures are seen as ‘torturers’[7].
In the region of the Middle East, armed conflicts, and political tensions have punctuated the histories of the countries, and some repressive regimes are still in power. Using a large range of mediums, the artists have continued to represent images from what they have seen or have experienced. Including a certain degree of subjectivity, Youssef Abdelke altered the reality that he faced with exaggeration – notably in the dimensions of his artworks – and distortion, to make his critics.
Starting 1995, the painter abandoned the use of a colored palette and only worked on the black and white palette, employing techniques such as etching, and charcoal. Attaching great importance to the details, he executed still lifes that illustrate animals, fruits, plants, and some household objects (needles, nails, knives), placed in the ground or piercing something like a flower. This is to express sorrow and the idea of lost and martyred land. Abdelke also drew a metaphoric parallel between Syrian people and some dead animals like fish and birds, insisting on tragic conditions in which they are viewed[8]. This part of his oeuvre appears darker and reveals the deep emotions of the artist longing for his homeland.
After twenty-five years of exile, the artist was able to go back to Syria in 2005 and established a studio in the capital city, gathering a community of artists. As he never renounced all his commitments for a democratic system, he got his passport confiscated by the authorities of Bashar Al-Assad’s government in 2010, and was again arrested in Tartous, on the Mediterranean coast of Syria, in July 2013. He was released five weeks later.
From the start of the Syrian people’s uprising in 2011, Youssef Abdelke has witnessed its consequences that have provoked anger, and strong violence all over the country. But, instead of narrating the current crisis, he preferred to go back to human figuration profoundly marked by the constant massacres occurring every day. He made some Syrian and Sudanese women pose in his atelier, and created a large series of nudes. Conveying intense sensuality, the models are either sitting or lying on the floor, and unexpectedly demonstrated a sort of serenity – some carry a little smile. They are thoroughly covered by thin and energetic lines, as if they were scratched[9]: Abdelke imagined these lines like barbed wires, which symbolize the prison, and the torture from which they can’t escape. On the 17th of January 2017 in Damascus, he exhibited these nudes and received much criticism from those who expected him to keep defending the Syrian crisis against the regime. Despite of the controversy, he has always remained faithful to his country, saying: “Unlike many of my friends, I never planned to settle down in Paris (…) I’ve always wanted to come back to my homeland, Syria.”[10]
Youssef Abdelke currently resides in Syria.
[1] Davis, Scott C. The Road from Damascus: A Journey Through Syria. Seattle, USA: Cune Press, 2003. [P.313]
[2] Davis, Scott C. The Road from Damascus: A Journey Through Syria. Seattle, USA: Cune Press, 2003. [P.313]
[3] Daydé Emmanuel. Abdelké: Nus: 2014-2017. Paris, France: Galerie Claude Lemand, 2017. [P.6]
[4] Eigner, Saeb. Art of the Middle-East, Modern and Contemporary Art of the Arab World and Iran. London, UK: Merell Publishers Limited, 2011. [P.362]
[5] Hassan, Nawar El., and Helen Khal. Contemporary Art in Syria 1898-1998. Damascus, Syria: Gallery Atassi, 1998. [P.241]
[6] Eigner, Saeb. Art of the Middle-East, Modern and Contemporary Art of the Arab World and Iran. London, UK: Merell Publishers Limited, 2011. [P.172]
[7] Daydé Emmanuel. Abdelké: Nus: 2014-2017. Paris, France: Galerie Claude Lemand, 2017. [P.6]
[8] “Youssef Abdelké, Une Donation Contre La Mort.” Institut du monde arabe, July 23, 2019. https://www.imarabe.org/fr/expositions/youssef-abdelke.
[9] Daydé Emmanuel. Abdelké: Nus: 2014-2017. Paris, France: Galerie Claude Lemand, 2017. [P.8]
[10] Muhanna, Nadia. “King of Darkness (Profile of Syrian Painter Youssef Abdelke).” Nadia Muhanna's blog | مدونة ناديا مهنا, June 5, 2013. https://nadiamuhanna.wordpress....
Abdelké Youssef, Khaled Samawi, and Emil Menhem. Abdelké. Damascus, Syria: Ayyam Gallery, 2007.
Daydé Emmanuel. Abdelké: Nus: 2014-2017. Paris, France: Galerie Claude Lemand, 2017.
Davis, Scott C. The Road from Damascus: A Journey Through Syria. Seattle, USA: Cune Press, 2003.
Eigner, Saeb. Art of the Middle-East, Modern and Contemporary Art of the Arab World and Iran. London, UK: Merell Publishers Limited, 2011.
Galerie Claude Lemand. Accessed May 12, 2020. http://www.claude-lemand.com/artiste/nouvelle-traduction-youssef-abdelke?souspage=bio.
Hassan, Nawar El., and Helen Khal. Contemporary Art in Syria 1898-1998. Damascus, Syria: Gallery Atassi, 1998.
Muhanna, Nadia. “King of Darkness (Profile of Syrian Painter Youssef Abdelke).” Nadia Muhanna's blog | مدونة ناديا مهنا, June 5, 2013. https://nadiamuhanna.wordpress.com/2008/02/01/king-of-darkness/.
“Youssef Abdelke: Galerie Tanit.” Youssef Abdelke | Galerie Tanit. Accessed May 12, 2020. https://www.galerietanit.com/artist/abdelke.
“Youssef Abdelké, Une Donation Contre La Mort.” Institut du monde arabe, July 23, 2019. https://www.imarabe.org/fr/expositions/youssef-abdelke.
Selected Solo Exhibitions
Youssef Abdelké, Galerie Tanit, Beirut, Lebanon
The Little Prince of Gaza, Dalloul Art Foundation, Beirut, Lebanon
Leads & Artistic Cues from the Arab World, Dalloul Art Foundation, Beirut, Lebanon
Youssef Abdelke. Une donation contre la mort en Syrie, Institut du Monde Arabe, Paris, France
Schwartz, Sfeir-Semler Gallery, Hamburg, Germany
Nudes. Recent charcoals, Galerie Claude Lemand, Paris, France
Nudes, George Kamel Gallery, Damascus, Syria
Bleak and Black, Galerie Tanit, Munich, Germany
Recent Works. Charcoals, Galerie Claude Lemand, Paris, France
Youssef Abdelke: New Works, Galerie Tanit, Beirut, Lebanon
Recent Drawings. Charcoals, Galerie Claude Lemand, Paris, France
Al Shaab Gallery, Damascus, Syria
Ayyam Gallery, Damascus, Syria
Henki Hall, Helsinki, Finland
Khan Assad Bacha, Damascus, Syria
Zamalek Art Center, Akhnatoun Gallery, Cairo, Egypt
Dal Al-Anda Gallery, Amman, Jordan
6th International Triennale of Prints, Chamaliere, France
Prebendale Gallery, Saint Paul, France
Charcoals and Pastels, Galerie Claude Lemand, Paris, France
Mashrabia Gallery, Cairo, Egypt
L’Atelier Art Gallery, Alexandria, Egypt
Al-Riwaq Art Space, Manama, Bahrain
Hall of Faculty of Law, Sfax, Tunisia
Green Art Gallery, Dubai, UAE
Mashrabia Gallery, Cairo, Egypt
Atassi Gallery, Damascus, Syria
Kallysté Gallery, Tunisia
Atassi Gallery, Damascus, Syria
Beirut Theater Hall, Beirut, Lebanon
2nd Sharjah International Biennial for Plastic Arts, Sharjah, UAE
Al Balqa Gallery, Fuheis, Jordan
Aram Gallery, Damascus, Syria
Al Alif Gallery, Tunisia
L’Atelier Gallery, Cairo, Egypt
Omina Gallery, Damascus, Syria
Al Shaab Gallery, Damascus, Syria
Touring Exhibition in Homs, Hama, Salamieh and Raqqa, Syria
Al Shaab Gallery, Damascus, Syria
Al Houriya Hall, Damascus, Syria
Selected Group Exhibitions
Arab Presences: Modern Art And Decolonisation: Paris 1908-1988, Musée d'Art Moderne de Paris, Paris, France
Tales, Myths, and Legends, Galerie Tanit, Beirut, Lebanon
Paper Trail: 50 Years Collective Exhibition, Galerie Tanit, Munich, German
Un Bestiaire, Galerie Tanit, Beirut, Lebanon
Cities Under Quarantine: The Mailbox Project, Villa Romana, Florence, Italy
A Bestiary, Galerie Tanit, Beirut, Lebanon
A la Plume, au Pinceau, au Crayon: Dessins du monde Arabe, Institut du monde Arabe, Paris, France
Towards the Sublime, Galerie Tanit, Beirut, Lebanon
In the Age of the New Media, Atassi Foundation, Dubai, UAE
Donation Claude & France Lemand, Institut du monde arabe, Paris, France
Give a chance to the Syrian refugee Children to go to School, Art Paris Art Fair, Northern Wall, Grand Palais, Paris, France
Living Histories: Recent acquisitions of works on paper by Contemporary Arab Artists, The British Museum, London, UK
Syria: Into The Light, Alserkal Avenue, Dubai, UAE
10:52, Ayyam Gallery, Dubai, UAE
Rituals of Signs and Transitions (1975-1995), Darat al Funun, Amman, Jordan
My Voice Rings Out For Syria, BOX Freiraum, Berlin, Germany
Arab Modernities, Espace Claude Lemand, Paris, France
Arab Masterpieces, Galerie Claude Lemand, Paris, France
Festival of Small Size Works, Galerie Claude Lemand, Paris, France
Art Syria, Meem Gallery, Dubai, UAE
Contemporary Art from Syria, Yallay Gallery, Hong Kong, China
Artists in Exile, Espace Claude Lemand, Paris, France
Artists from Syria Today, Galerie Tanit, Beirut, Lebanon
Sharjah Biennial 10: Plot for a Biennial, Sharjah International Art Biennial, Sharjah, UAE
Artists From Syria Today, Espace Kettaneh Kunigk, Beirut, Lebanon
Modern Syrian Art at the British Museum, The British Museum, London, UK
Recent Acquisitions, Galerie Claude Lemand, Paris, France
Masterpieces. Inaugural Exhibition, Espace Claude Lemand, Paris, France
Ammar Al-Beik, Ayyam Gallery, Dubai, UAE
Paris, Damascus: Crossed Glances, Institute du Monde Arabe; Europia, Paris, France
Word into Art: Artists of the Modern Middle East, British Museum, London, UK
Salon D’automne, Paris, France
Sakher Farzat, Amis et Artistes lui rendent hommage, Europia, Paris, France
Graphic Symposium, Khartoum, Sudan
Rare Works, Galerie Claude Lemand, Paris, France
Word into Art, Bloomsbury House, London, UK
Homage to Shafic Abboud, Galerie Claude Lemand, Paris, France
Syrian Contemporary Art, Leiden, 2003 Europ Art, Geneva, Switzerland
Imagining the Book, Alexandria, Cairo, Egypt
8th International Biennale, Cairo, Egypt
International Biennale, Sharjah, UAE
Triennale of Engraving, Krakow, Poland
1st Triennale of Engraving, Cairo, Egypt
5th and 7th Biennales of Engraving, Taiwan, China
Arab Graphic Arts, Le Havre, Normandy, France
15 Arab Artists, Espace Al Moutanabi, Paris, France
French Artists Salon, Le Grand Palais, Paris, France
Maleri & Grafik, Am Weiden –Dame Gallery, Berlin, Germany
Seul Tableau, Cairo, Egypt
Arab Graphic Arts, Le Havre, France
5th and 6th international Biennale of Engraving, Digne-Les-Bains Museum, France.
Intergraphic Triennale, Berlin, Germany
First Arab Biennal, Baghdad, Iraq
The Nile Award for Arab Artists, Cairo, Egypt
Digne-Les-Bains Museum, France
The British Museum, London, UK
Institut du Monde Arabe, Paris, France
Jordan National Gallery of Fine Arts, Amman, Jordan
Kuwait National Museum, Kuwait
Ramzi and Saeda Dalloul Art Foundation, Beirut, Lebanon
The Khalid Shoman Foundation, Amman, Jordan
Atassi Foundation, Homs, Syria
Sharjah Art Foundation, Sharjah, UAE
The Jalanbo Collection, Private Collection
Mathaf: Arab Museum of Modern Art, Doha, Qatar
التشكيلي السوري يوسف عبدلكي يفوز بجائزة النيل المصرية – موقع ومجلة قلم رصاص الثقافية.pdf
L'art arabe contemporain: du Charbyde de la tutelle étatique au Scylla du marché
Yves Gonzalez-Quijano
Le Monde Diplomatique, French, 2011
Essay p. 1
Adonis the Disingenuous! Youssef Abdelke Deserves The Truth from Adonis and Khalida Said
Elie Chalala
aljadid.com, English
Essay in Magazine
1300 Oeuvres Une collection exceptionelle rejoint le musée du l'IMA
Institut du Monde Arabe, French, 2018
p. 15
"La donation Lemand enrichit lʼInstitut du Monde Arabe (IMA) de 1300 oeuvres et dʼun fonds de dotation"
Culture.gouv.fr, French, 2018
p. 2
Artists Contributing to Syria's Future: An auction to support Syrian educational aspirations
Jusoor, English, 2012
Catalogue p. 4
The Dialectic of Art and Politics in Youssef Abdelke's Work
Bassel Al Saadi
villaromana.org, English, 2017
Syria's art in exile is roaring
Henriette Johansen
Middle East Monitor, English, 2014
Syria/Guernica: The Art of Youssef Abdelke
Ali Atassi
aljadid.com, English
"يوسف عَبْدلكِي , ملكُ الأبيض والأسود في زمنِ حُكْمِ الألوان"
Nourhan Aljoundy
syr-res.com, Arabic, 2015
الطبيعة المادية في أعمال يوسف عبدلكي
حسان خالد شاتيلا
ahewar.org, Arabic, 2014
من المدرس إلى قصاب باشي.. تعرف إلى أبرز التشكيليين السوريين
enabbaladi.net, Arabic, 2019
p. 5,6
Abdelké 2011-2013
Alain Jouffroy
Galerie Tanit/DAF Library, French, 2014
Art of the Middle East. Modern And Contemp. Art of the Arab World And Iran
Saeb Eigner
Merell/ DAF Library, English, 2010
Book p. 30, 129, 172, 374
Contemporary Art in Syria 1898-1998
Mouna Atassi
Galerie Atassi/ DAF Library, English, Arabic, 1998
Book p. 240, 291
Modern Art in the Arab World. Primary Documents
Nada Shabout, Sarah Rogers, A. Lensenn
MOMA/ DAF Library, English, 2018
Book p. 372, 373
Word Into Art. Artists of the Modern Middle East.
Venetia Porter
The British Musuem Press/ DAF Library, English, 2006
Book p. 124
Ayyam Gallery
Ayyam Gallery / DAF Library, English, Arabic, 2007
Youssef Abdelki’s Homecoming
Mohammad Ali Atassi
aljadid.com, English, 2005
الشيطان” أطلق سهامه على الفنان يوسف عبدلكي"
فراس الهكّار
qalamrsas.com, Arabic, 2016
The artist engages himself in politics
enawafeth.alarabiya.net, English, 2016
Marché de l’art : première enchère pour Artscoop
lecommercedulevant.com, French, 2016
Mazen Soueid's 20-Year-Old Art Collection Covers Over 40 Middle-Eastern And International Artists
harpersbazaararabia.com, English, 2018
عن يوسف، الفنّان الشيوعي ببطاقة
ثائر ديب
assafirarabi.com, Arabic, 2013
أحصنة يوسف عبدلكي والأحصنة المضادّة
وائل السواح
daraj.com, Arabic, 2018
جائزة النيل «للإبداع» للتشكيليّ الكرديّ يوسف عبدلكي
ronahi.net, Arabic, 2018
مصر: الفنان السوري يوسف عبدلكي أول الفائزين بجائزة النيل للمبدعين العرب
anfarabic.com, Arabic, 2018
يوسف عبدلكي أول فنان عربي يفوز بجائزة النيل: مصر أولى الحضارات وبؤرة الحداثة العربية
منة الله الأبيض
gate.ahram.org.eg, Arabic, 2018
$1.3 million worth of art auctioned for Syrian refugee children
Oliver Holmes
reuters.com, English, 2013
سطو علني على أعمال يوسف عبدلكي
خليل صويلح
al-akhbar.com, Arabic, 2019
Arrestation du peintre Youssef Abdelké: la mobilisation s’organise
revue-internationale.com, French, 2013
Abdelke’s arrest galvanizes artists
India Stoughton
dailystar.com.lb, English, 2013
Youssef Abdelke a Threat to Syrian State Security?
Ibrahim al-Amin
english.al-akhbar.com, English, 2013
Free Youssef Abdelke: Even war fails to end Assad’s crackdown on Syria artists
middle-east-online.com, English, 2013
Campaign urges Assad to free Youssef Abdelke
en.zamanalwsl.net, English, 2013
La Toile syrienne mobilisée après l'arrestation du peintre Youssef Abdelké
lorientlejour.com, French, 2013
Syria Continues Campaign Against Dissenting Artists
Joe Izenman
cbldf.org, English, 2013
فنانون وأصدقاء الفن يطالبون بحرية الفنان يوسف عبدلكي
alwatanvoice.com, Arabic, 2013
Syrian artist, Youssef Abdelke, arrested
Ellie Violet Bramley
Nowmedia.me, English, 2013
!اعتقال يوسف عبدلكي: سيرة لوحة لا تشبه سوى ذاتها
أحمد صلال
orient-news.net, Arabic, 2013
Syrie : appels à la libération de l’artiste Youssef Abdelké
france24.com, French, 2013
Syria Frees Opposition Artist Held for Month
naharnet.com, English, 2013
Syria frees opposition artist held for month
english.alarabiya.net, English, 2013
الأمن السوري يفرج عن الفنان المعارض يوسف عبدلكي
lebanese-forces.com, Arabic, 2013
Syrian artist Abdelke tells wife, 'I'm free'
Lauren Williams
dailystar.com.lb, English, 2013
السلطات السورية تطلق الفنان يوسف عبدلكي
aljazeera.net, Arabic, 2013
Syrian artist Abdelke released by authorities
hurriyetdailynews.com, English, 2013
The artists who have chosen to stay in Syria
Tim Cornwell
theartnewspaper.com, English, 2017
Syrian artists portray year of bloodshed and turmoil
Jon Leyne
bbc.com, English, 2012
Cultural offensive: on an English road trip with Syria’s artists, activists and exiles
Robin Yassin-Kassab
thenational.ae, English, 2014
There Is No Light to Lead Us Out of this Dark Place
From Al Safir/Ahmed Bazzoun
internationalboulevard.com, English, 2013
« Les gens n’en ont plus rien à faire » : Damas accepte la victoire d’Assad comme un fait accompli
Jonathan Steele
middleeasteye.net, French, 2017
'People no longer care': Damascus accepts Assad victory as fait accompli
Jonathan Steele
middleeasteye.net, English, 2017
In pictures: Uncovering the art from Syria's war
Jehanne Bergé
middleeasteye.net, English, 2018
اشخاصه حفرها على النحاس و طبعها على الورق و وزعها على المدن. يوسف عبدلكي في اعماله الأخيرة ليلة ظلماء و مرآة تزيد التكوين تناقضاً
هلا محمد
الحياة, Arabic, 1995
يوسف عبدلكي والتفاصيل المشاغِبة
فواز طرابلسي
aljarida.com, Arabic, 2013
افتتاح معرض الفنان السوري يوسف عبدلكي في غاليري الاندى.. اليوم
addustour.com, Arabic, 2003
الفنان التشكيلي يوسف عبدلكي في معرض له بدمشق بعد غياب ربع قرن: إعادة المعنى إلى الأشياء المهملة في الحياة!
ابراهيم حاج عبدي
alriyadh.com, Arabic, 2005
Syrian Dissident Artist Paints War's Agony
naharnet.com, English, 2014
Youssef Abdelke, la souffrance en peinture
agendaculturel.com, French, 2014
Syrian artist shows trauma of war in charcoal sketches
Stephen Kalin
reuters.com, English, 2014
Still lifes in a deteriorating world
India Stoughton
dailystar.com.lb, English, 2014
Youssef Abdelke, le peintre de la douleur syrienne
Sawsan A.
syriemdl.net, French, 2014
أجساد تتأرجح بين الحميمية والطهرانية
خليل صويلح
al-akhbar.com, Arabic, 2016
هل يفتتح معرضه الأخير في دمشق التطبيع الثقافي مع النظام؟… يوسف عبدلكي ينتصر للوحات العارية في زمن القتل
راشد عيسى
ayyamsyria.net, Arabic, 2016
La Galerie Kamel Expose Youssef Abdelké À Damas
Joan Grandjean
onorient.com, French, 2017
عبدلكي ومعرضه الدمشقي: من أُمّ الشهيد إلى عارية هانئة
يوسف بزي
almodon.com, Arabic, 2016
لكن ما الذي عرّاه معرض يوسف عبدلكي؟
إبراهيم الجبين
almodon.com, Arabic, 2016
بعد سجالات حادة حول معرضه الأخير في دمشق: يوسف عبدلكي: وما بدّلوا تبديلا
alquds.co.uk, Arabic, 2017
بعضُ قولٍ في معرض يوسف عبدلكي
ملاذ الزعبي
alaraby.co.uk, Arabic, 2016
على هامش معرضه الأخير في دمشق: تحيّة إلى الحصان الأسير يوسف عبدلكي
لينة عطفة
alquds.co.uk, Arabic, 2016
يوسف عبدلكي قديس الثورة السورية المطعون
فاروق يوسف
alarab.co.uk, Arabic, 2017
«تبدّلات يوسف عبدلكي و«عاريات دمشق
حكمت شطا
alquds.co.uk, Arabic, 2017
معرض يوسف عبدلكي في دمشق: ثقافة الموت.. ثقافة الحياة
rommanmag.com, Arabic, 2017
La galerie Claude Lemand vend des œuvres au profit des enfants syriens à Art Paris Art Fair
Élodie de Dreux-Brézé
connaissancedesarts.com, French, 2017
At Beirut Art Fair, artists reflect on what it means to be Arab
India Stoughton
thenational.ae, English, 2017
Living histories: Potent longings for fragile homelands
Hadani Ditmars
alaraby.co.uk, English, 2017
Syria: Into the Light
harpersbazaararabia.com, English, 2016
Syrian Art Facing The Light
Anna Brady
harpersbazaararabia.com, English, 2017
Celebrating the beauty of classical masterpieces by Syrian artists
Jyoti Kalsi
gulfnews.com, English, 2018
HIGHLIGHTS from ‘In the Age of New Media’ exhibit in Dubai
arabnews.com, English, 2017
A la plume, au pinceau, au crayon : dessins du monde arabe
up-magazine.info, French, 2019
Les expos à voir, cette semaine, à Beyrouth
Zéna Zalzal
lorientlejour.com, French, 2019
De la révolution syrienne, des opposants et de la loi César. Une caricature de Youssef Abdelké
Saleh Diab
diacritik.com, French, 2020
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