“Art is performing a very important role in Saudi. It is as a mirror to ourselves, helping us imagine things from different angles and perspectives, so we might make better choices as a society”...

AHMED MATER, Saudi Arabia (1979)
“Art is performing a very important role in Saudi. It is as a mirror to ourselves, helping us imagine things from different angles and perspectives, so we might make better choices as a society”
Ahmed Mater, 2014[1]
Born in 1979 into a traditional Asiri family in the village of Tabuk, northern Saudi Arabia, Ahmed Mater’s early life was spent in a remote and relatively rural environment, a far cry from the bright lights and bustling cities of Mecca, Medina and Jeddah. He grew up being directly exposed to art, with his mother - a calligrapher and painter of traditional houses - proving to be a big creative influence in his life.[2] Speaking to Arab News in 2020, Mater commented that his mother’s paintings made “the home full of color and life”, making him feel as though they were always sitting in a lush garden.[3] With an increasing thirst for knowledge and a curiosity to understand what was happening in the rest of the world, Mater’s interest in media, technology and the arts grew with age.
At the age of 18, and whilst studying medicine, Mater became a founding member of Al-Miftaha Arts Village in Abha.[4] However, his interests in medicine and art were not mutually exclusive. His use of X-rays in his medical practice brought him to photography, a skill he then developed over time. The X-ray technique itself also found its way into his art, featuring heavily in some of his earliest work.[5] As a result of his scientific background and his creative consciousness, Mater interrogated a variety of aspects of the human body and thus the wider human condition, in both a physical and existential context. This constant search for knowledge and understanding led him to experiment further with his artwork and push boundaries in the Saudi art scene, with Mater becoming part of many notable contemporary art movements in Saudi Arabia in the early 21st Century.
One of these was Edge of Arabia, formed by Mater and Stephen Stapleton in 2003. Having met at Al-Miftaha Arts Village that year, both Mater and Stapleton – and later joined by Saudi artist Abdulnasser Gharem – conceived the idea of a “border-crossing collaboration and artistic movement”, which Mater himself emphasizes was an effort to give Arab artists a voice in a period of conflict and transformation.[6]
Five years later, they co-curated an exhibition of contemporary art from Saudi Arabia - the first of its kind internationally – in the Brunei Gallery at London’s School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS). Mater, Stapleton and Gharem were deeply committed to raising the profile of Saudi art across the world, and also to providing an avenue for artists, especially from Saudi Arabia, to offer their unique perspectives.[7] By this point, Mater had exhibited his work in new and exciting exhibitions across Saudi Arabia, the wider Middle East, and the British Museum and the Embassy of Saudi Arabia in London, all whilst continuing his medical training and finally graduating in 2006.[8] The next several years were extremely busy for Mater: in addition to the Edge of Arabia exhibition in 2008, Mater also participated in the Venice Biennale in 2009 (in what was the first-ever presentation of Gulf artists at the Biennale) and in the same year, spent time working as a doctor during the conflict on the Saudi-Yemeni border, a difficult experience which shifted his view of medicine as a purely scientific profession and instead provided him with a much more universal, holistic approach to his field.[9] Later that year, Mater had his first major solo exhibition in the Vinyl Factory in London.
In 2012, Mater moved to Mecca for one year and began a project entitled Desert of Pharan, a series of photographs and films, which documented the ever-changing landscapes of the city. All five artworks by Mater in the Dalloul Collection – all photographic images – are from this series: Makkah (2012), Human Highway (Mina) (2012), Human Highway (2012), Nature Morte (2012) and Artificial Light (2012). Mater saw history being destroyed and erased to make way for modern developments and wanted to provide a rare insight into this important, magnetic city through the eyes of an artist, becoming the only art photographer to use Mecca as his subject.[10] Many of the images show the battle between heritage and modernity, and between humans and infrastructure, with the crowds of pilgrims packed into roads leading into and out of the holy cities, circling the holy Ka’ba, and all in the shadows of cranes and heavy machinery.
Nature Morte provides a particularly creative and thoughtful insight into the juxtaposition of public vs private and poor vs wealthy, as we witness an intricately layered scene taken from the Fairmont Hotel in Mecca. Showing how private, luxury spaces are taking over public, sacred spaces, with the public space being “squeezed” according to Mater,[11] this photograph emphasizes not just the contrast of architecture and space, but also the privileged position (both literally and figuratively) of wealthy pilgrims. Mater’s photographs provide a critical, urban exploration into contemporary Saudi society from the heart of Mecca during a period of transformation, and most importantly, from a personal, Saudi perspective.
Aside from Edge of Arabia and Al-Miftaha Arts Village, Mater has been part of a number of art movements and initiatives within Saudi Arabia, most notably Shatta, Mostly Visible and Pharan Studio, based in Jeddah. In 2017, as part of a state-initiated focus on the arts, Misk Art Institute was launched, with Mater as Founder-Director. As part of this, he oversaw the first national pavilion for Saudi Arabia at the Venice Architecture Biennale in 2018.[12] Once his two-year tenure leading the Institute was completed, Mater returned to his art practice full-time, having already given up practicing medicine to focus on his artistic career.
Deeply passionate about Saudi’s current art scene, Mater looks to the future with optimism, having personally witnessed the swift growth in arts education and creative risks taken across the Kingdom.[13] Nevertheless, he has acknowledged – and continues to confront – the struggles faced by many artists within the country, especially women: “there are many women artists in Saudi and they are brave and deserve our support. They are challenging many things.”[14]
Mater continues to live and work from Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
[1] James Scarborough, “A Conversation With Ahmed Mater, Co- founder of Edge of Arabia”, Huffington Post Arts, September 20, 2014, https://www.huffingtonpost.com/james-scarborough/a-conversation-with-ahmed_b_5602286.html?ncid=engmodushpmg00000004
[2] Denise Marray, “Ahmed Mater: ‘It’s important to keep our identity as we reach out globally’”, Arab News, July 18, 2020, https://www.arabnews.com/node/1706366/lifestyle
[3] Ibid
[4] Ahmed Mater: Official Website, “Biography”, Ahmed Mater, n.d., https://www.ahmedmater.com/biography
[5] Menachem Wecker, “A Changing Mecca Is the Focus of the First U.S. Exhibition to Feature a Saudi Artist”, Smithsonian Magazine, April 7, 2016, https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smithsonian-institution/changing-mecca-focus-first-us-exhibition-feature-saudi-artist-180958618/
[6] Scarborough, “A Conversation With Ahmed Mater, Co- founder of Edge of Arabia”
[7] Ibid
[8] Ahmed Mater: Official Website, “Biography”
[9] Marray, “Ahmed Mater: ‘It’s important to keep our identity as we reach out globally’”
[10] Wecker, “A Changing Mecca Is the Focus of the First U.S. Exhibition to Feature a Saudi Artist”
[11] Wecker, “A Changing Mecca Is the Focus of the First U.S. Exhibition to Feature a Saudi Artist”
[12] Marray, “Ahmed Mater: ‘It’s important to keep our identity as we reach out globally’”
[13] Ibid
[14] Scarborough, “A Conversation With Ahmed Mater, Co- founder of Edge of Arabia”
Ahmed Mater: Official Website. “Biography”. Ahmed Mater. Accessed September 2020. https://www.ahmedmater.com/biography
Marray, Denise. “Ahmed Mater: ‘It’s important to keep our identity as we reach out globally’”. Arab News. July 18, 2020. Accessed September 2020. https://www.arabnews.com/node/1706366/lifestyle
Scarborough, James. “A Conversation With Ahmed Mater, Co- founder of Edge of Arabia”. In Huffington Post Arts. September 20, 2014. Accessed September 2020. https://www.huffingtonpost.com/james-scarborough/a-conversation-with-ahmed_b_5602286.html?ncid=engmodushpmg00000004
Wecker, Menachem. “A Changing Mecca Is the Focus of the First U.S. Exhibition to Feature a Saudi Artist”. In Smithsonian Magazine. April 7, 2016. Accessed September 2020. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smithsonian-institution/changing-mecca-focus-first-us-exhibition-feature-saudi-artist-180958618/
Selected Solo Exhibitions
Stand in the Pathway and See, Galleria Continua – Les Moulins, Paris, France
Drumroll, please, King Abdullah Economic City, Saudi Arabia
Ahmed Mater: Mecca Journeys, Brooklyn Museum, New York, United States of America
Mitochondria: Powerhouses, Galleria Continua, San Gimignano, Italy
Symbolic Cities: The Work of Ahmed Mater, Sackler Gallery of Art, Washington D.C., United States of America
100 Found Objects, Sharjah Art Foundation, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
Ahmed Mater at Vinyl Factory, Vinyl Factory, London, United Kingdom
Selected Group Exhibitions
Biennale d’Architecture d’Orléans, Years of Solitude, Frac Centre-Val de Loire, Orléans, France
Longing for Mecca, Tropen Museum, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Through the Spectrum, Athr Gallery, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Cities of Conviction, Utah Museum of Contemporary Art, Salt Lake City, United States of America
Continua Spheres Ensemble, Galleria Continua – Le Centquatre, Paris, France
Desert to Delta, Art Museum of the University of Memphis, Tennessee, United States of America
Epicenter X, Arab American National Museum, Detroit, United States of America
Letters: Fragments of a Memory, Athr Gallery, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Songs of Cyanosis, Marrakech Biennale, Marrakech, Morocco
Phantom Punch, Bates College Museum of Art, Maine, United States of America
But a Storm is Blowing in From Paradise, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, United States of America; Galleria d’Arte Moderna Milano, Milan, Italy
Spheres of Influence: Codes of Conduct Across Structural Landscapes, Mohsen Gallery, Tehran, Iran
Hurufiyya: Art & Identity, Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Alexandria, Egypt
A History, Haus der Kunst, Munich, Germany
Parasophia: Kyoto International Festival of Contemporary Culture, Kyoto, Japan
Too Early Too Late: Middle East and Modernity, Pinacoteca Naziolnale, Bologna, Italy
Never Never Land, Edge of Arabia Gallery, London, United Kingdom
Here and Elsewhere, New Museum, New York, USA
A Crisis of History, Framer Framed, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Arab Contemporary: Architecture, Culture and Identity, Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Humleboek, Denmark
EOA Edition #01, Edge of Arabia Gallery, London, United Kingdom
Home Works 6, Ashkal Alwan, Beirut, Lebanon
Light from the Middle East, Victoria & Albert Museum, London, United Kingdom
#COMETOGETHER, Truman Brewery, Brick Lane, London, United Kingdom
Hajj: Journey to the Heart of Islam, British Museum, London, United Kingdom
We Need to Talk, Al Furusiya Marina & Mall, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
The Future of a Promise: 54th Venice Biennale, Magazzini del Sale, Venice, Italy
Terminal (Edge of Arabia), DiFC, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Strike Oppose, Barjeel Art Foundation, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
TRANSiTION, Sanat Limani, Istanbul, Turkey
Grey Borders/Grey Frontiers, Torstrasse 1, Berlin, Germany
Abu Dhabi Authority for Culture & Heritage (ADACH) Platform for Visual Arts: 53rd
Venice Biennale, Venice, Italy
Edge of Arabia – 53rd Venice Biennale, Palazzo Polignac, Venice, Italy
The Other: The 11th
International Cairo Biennale, Cairo Egypt
Edge of Arabia, Brunei Gallery, School of Oriental and African Studies, London, United Kingom
Still Life: Art, Ecology and the Politics of Change, Sharjah Art Foundation, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
Word into Art: Artists of the Modern Middle East, British Museum, London, United Kingdom
Shatta, Jeddah Atelier for Fine Arts, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Barjeel Art Foundation, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
British Museum, London, United Kingdom
Brooklyn Museum, New York, United States of America
Centre Pompidou, Paris, France
Guggenheim Collection (MAP Initiative), New York, United States of America
Los Angeles County Museum of Art, California, United States of America
Museum of Islamic Art, Doha, Qatar
Ramzi & Saeda Dalloul Art Foundation, Beirut, Lebanon
Smithsonian Institute, Washington D.C., United States of America
Victoria & Albert Museum, London, United Kingdom
A Prayer for Mecca _ Ahmed Mater.pdf
_Art and culture now is about exchange_ _ Ahmed Mater.pdf
A Changing Mecca Is the Focus of the First U.S. Exhibition to Feature a Saudi Artist At the Smithsonian Smithsonian.pdf
A Diagnosis for Islam_s Holiest City _ Ahmed Mater.pdf
Mitochondria_ Powerhouses _ Ahmed Mater.pdf
A Conversation with Ahmed Mater _ Ahmed Mater.pdf
One Saudi’s Protest, Through The Viewfinder _ Ahmed Mater.pdf
افتتاح أول معرض بأمريكا للفنان السعودي أحمد ماطر - عين اليوم.pdf
A Physician-Turned-Artist Offers a Diagnosis for Islam’s Holiest City - The New York Times.pdf
أحمد ماطر آل زياد عسيري.pdf
Artist’s Talk with distinguisted lecturer Ahmed Mater Museum of Art Bates College.pdf
Brooklyn Museum photo exhibit explores Muslim holy site.pdf
Crossing the Line_ Standing Rock Protesters Are Warning… _ Ahmed Mater.pdf
Ahmed Mater_ Makkah Journeys at the Brooklyn Museum - The National.pdf
Saudi Arabia Is Planning a Massive, New Arts Center - Bloomberg.pdf
What we can learn from Saudi art _ Ahmed Mater.pdf
تحولات - المعرض الفني لأحمد ماطر بالعاصمة الأمريكية.pdf
الرؤية السردية لأعمال الفنان أحمد ماطر موضوع جلسة حوارية في الدورة التاسعة من فن أبوظبي.pdf
Ahmed Mater_ Shining Light on Saudi through Art Middle East Institute.pdf
‘It’s important to keep our identity as we reach out… _ Ahmed Mater.pdf
Saudi Artist Hoists Flag at Standing Rock _ Ahmed Mater.pdf
Saudi mega museum—King Abdulaziz Center in Dhahran—is finally moving ahead_5th January 2018 11-10 GMT The Art Newspaper.pdf
What Ahmed Mater’s ‘Golden Hour’ can teach us _ Ahmed Mater.pdf
أحمد ماطر مجلة القافلة.pdf
A Conversation With Ahmed Mater, Co-founder of Edge of Arabia HuffPost.pdf
ArtAsiaPacific_ Saudi Artist Ahmed Mater Sues Swatch Group Over Infringement.pdf
الحياة - «أحمد ماطر_ رحلات مكة» معرضاً في متحف بروكلين.pdf
أحمد ماطر يقدم «المدن الرمزية» في أول معارضه الشخصية في واشنطن.pdf
جريدة الرياض السفارة السعودية في لندن تنظم احتفالاً للفنان الدكتور أحمد ماطر.pdf
Ahmed Mater_Atists_EdgeOfArabia_Press.pdf
الفنان السعودي احمد ماطر.pdf
In Ways We Have Yet to Imagine_ The Final Editor_s Letter Creative Time Reports.pdf
مجلس المع يكرم الفنان الموهوب احمد ماطر صاحب (لوحة طريق الحرير) .pdf
Maan grant_ Saudi artists to sell works to support other creatives in the kingdom - The National.pdf
British Museum - Modern art of Hajj.pdf
Brooklyn Museum.pdf
صحيفة اليوم _ سفير المملكة بأمريكا يزور معرض الفنان أحمد ماطر.pdf
Interview by Henry Hemming _ Ahmed Mater.pdf
Episode 2_ Ahmed Mater.pdf
المطبوعات - مؤسسة الشارقة للفنون.pdf
After the Hajj _ Ahmed Mater.pdf
How Ahmed Mater Reveals the Humanity of Mecca _ Ahmed Mater.pdf
Interview with Lyle Rexer _ Ahmed Mater.pdf
جريدة الرياض _ صحيفة أمريكية تختار سعودياً ضمن 50 شخصية مؤثرة في خارطة الثقافة والفن بالشرق الأوسط.pdf
Crossing the Line_ Standing Rock Protesters Are Warning… _ Ahmed Mater.pdf
Artist’s Talk with distinguisted lecturer Ahmed Mater Museum of Art Bates College.pdf
Abu Dhabi Focus podcast, episode two_ How Saudi artists are driving political change The Art Newspaper.pdf
Interview by Henry Hemming _ Ahmed Mater.pdf
Middle Eastern artists look to their letterboxes for lockdown inspiration - The National.pdf
In Ways We Have Yet to Imagine_ The Final Editor_s Letter Creative Time Reports.pdf
Dystopia to Utopia_ Our changing cultural landscape.pdf
AhmedMater_Conceptual Saudi art comes to Britain_Art and designThe- Guardian.pdf
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