Hrair Diarbekirian, known professionally by his first name only, was born in Beirut in 1946. As a child, he would visit his neighbor and schoolteacher, a French artist called Rimbaud, and admire...

Hrair Diarbekirian, known professionally by his first name only, was born in Beirut in 1946. As a child, he would visit his neighbor and schoolteacher, a French artist called Rimbaud, and admire his Impressionist paintings. He started painting landscapes and portraits before joining the Académie Libanaise des Beaux-Arts (ALBA) in 1959 to study interior architecture while also taking painting classes with Henri Fortier. In 1963 his work was exhibited at the Sursock Museum’s annual Salon d’Automne, where artist and critic Helen Khal wisely identified him as a promising young talent. Indeed, by 1965, 18-year-old Hrair had already won two major prizes, the first for his tapestry design for Beirut’s presidential palace, and the next for his work in the 1965 Salon D’Automne. He moved to Europe with the eruption of the Lebanese civil war, and would live and exhibit in many cities, including Paris and Athens, where he gained popularity with an international audience.
Although Hrair eventually abandoned architectural design, which he found too restrictive, to devote his time to fine art, his architectural studies have informed his canvases throughout his career. Hrair designs the visual elements of his paintings to fill space in logical, balanced compositions, populated with repetitive forms, figures, and patterns, showing the sensibilities of an interior architect. His paintings are vibrant and often whimsical, creating a colorful imaginary universe that decontextualizes common forms to breathe new life into them. In Hrair’s compositions, female figures and flaming suns are intertwined with horses, birds, flowers, and schools of fish, bursting from hypnotic patterns that grant a theatrical movement to his works.
Through different moments of his career, Hrair’s oeuvre has remained loyal to certain themes, in particular the balance of masculine and feminine emblematized in his paintings of horses and women. In his thundering, powerful horses, Hrair conveys a sense of masculine virility, whereas his female figures exude feminine tenderness. Women in Hrair’s universe are softened by their decorated robes, elongated bodies, and oval faces, whereas his horses seem strong and alert, ever-vigilant. These canvases evoke a dreamlike realm where women and horse mysteriously bond in harmony. Hrair’s characters evolve together through arabesque-inspired curves, ornamentation that encapsulates the interaction between the wild, the free, and the sensitive. In his tight compositions, Hrair summons a lyrical, mythical atmosphere where the figure of the woman is flattened, no longer representative of any real individual but symbolic of the earth’s feminine elements as concordant and even codependent with its masculine ones. Some of these canvases explode into a festival of colors – glowing gold, crimson red, bright blue, flamboyant orange – while others make use of more subdued, sometimes almost monochromatic greys, ochres, browns and off-whites. He paints in thick, wet, spontaneous swirls, sometimes using pigment directly from the tube, and often underlays his canvases with gold leaf. The gold emerges through his expressive colors through a scratching technique, which produces bright outlines and lends a seductive rhythm to his artworks.
Hrair engages with his heritage in works that evoke both Armenian miniature painting and Byzantine iconography. Since he first participated in the Salon d’Automne, he has shown alignment with a generation of artists (including Madi, Assadour and Norikian) that sought a fresh vision for Eastern modernity. Like many of these artists, Hrair strays from classical Western principles of design, such as linear perspective and three-dimensionality, instead evoking Byzantine icons in his frontal depictions of haloed characters against flat backgrounds. Because his work generally eschews markers of conventional, conservative arts education (i.e. linear perspective), and because it has so frequently taken on the same themes, Hrair has been accused of making predominantly decorative art. However, these same elements can be seen to show an investment introspection, creating a fantasy world in which the artist investigates new modes of poetic expression and intimate, personal truths.
Hrair has gained fame and success for his unique works and exuberant personality. In the late 1960s, to own a Hrair became a symbol of prestige in Beirut, and subsequently his paintings have been purchased by such royal figures as Queen Elizabeth the 2nd of England and King Fahad Bin Abdulaziz of Saudi Arabia.
The artist currently lives and works in Beirut, Lebanon.
Khal, Helen. Resonances 82 Lebanese Artists. Beirut: Fine Arts Publishing, 2011.
Sultan, Faisal, Dr. كتابات مستعادة من ذاكرة فنون بيروت. Beirut: Kitab Assafir. Dar El Farabi, 2013.
Abillama, Nour.S & Tomb, Marie. Art From Lebanon: Modern and Contemporary Artists 1880-1975. Lebanon: Wonderful Editions, 2012.
Fani, Michel. Dictionnaire De La Peinture Libanaise. Paris: Michel De Maule, 2013.
Khoury, Claude. Lebanon: Monday Morning. From Artist Archives.
Maingate Magazine. 2008. Accessed July 10, 2019.
Selected Solo Exhibitions
Nawader en Couleurs, Hamra, Beirut, Lebanon
Doshokina Art Gallery, Moscow, Russia
Splendor in Color, Byblos Bank, Beirut, Lebanon
Nostalgia, Hamazkayin Lucy Tutunjian Art Gallery, Borj Hammoud, Lebanon
Colors of Time, Bait Muzna Gallery, Oman, UAE
Al Sayed Art Gallery, Damascus, Syria
Pièce Unique Art Gallery, Saifi Village, Beirut, Lebanon
Al Anda Gallery, Amman, Jordan
Green Art Gallery, Dubai, UAE
Rochane Gallery, Jeddah, KSA
InterContinental Phoenicia Hotel, Beirut, Lebanon
Arabesque Gallery, Jeddah, KSA
Arabesque Gallery, Jeddah, KSA
Rochane Gallery, Jeddah, KSA
Findlay Gallery, New York, USA
Al Fayrouz Art Gallery, Bahrain
Safir Hotel by Mrs Maryam Al Issa, Kuwait
Juarez Gallery, Los Angeles, USA
The Art Shoppe, Dubai, UAE
Matignon Gallery, Paris
Epreuves d'Artiste Gallery, Lebanon
Rochane Gallery, Lebanon
Collège Saint-Joseph, Antoura, Lebanon
Galerie Echos, Zouk Mosbeh, Lebanon
Art et Valeurs Gallery, Lebanon
Rochane Gallery, Lebanon
Rochane Gallery, Lebanon
Safir Hotel by Mrs Maryam Al Issa, Kuwait
Art Station Gallery, Lebanon
Gallery Square Design, Hamra, Lebanon
Al Muntaa Gallery, Lebanon
Alwane Gallery, Lebanon
المنتدى الاجتماعي, Beirut, Lebanon
Alwane Gallery, Lebanon
Myriam Art Gallery, Washington, USA
Epreuves d'Artiste Gallery, Lebanon
House of Arab Art, Jeddah, KSA
Golden Touch Gallery, Tripoli, Lebanon
Rochane Gallery, Jeddah, KSA
Zagrafa Gallery, Riyadh, KSA
Redec Plaza Gallery, Jeddah, KSA
Hrair Atelier, Beirut, Lebanon
Pan Arab Gallery, Jeddah, KSA
Abdullah Al Salem Hall, Kuwait
Retrospective, Chahine Gallery, Beirut, Lebanon
International Hotel, Riyadh, KSA
Kandara Hotel, Jeddah, KSA
Zahrat Al Shark Gallery, Riyadh, KSA
I.D Gallery, Lebanon
Boutros Gallery, Lebanon
Juarez Gallery, Los Angeles, USA
Minas Gerais Gallery, Brazil
Sao Paolo Biennial Brazil
Amateur Gallery, Paris
Selected Group Exhibitions
(Nothing But) Flowers, Saleh Barakat Gallery, Beirut, Lebanon
Hrair & Annie Diarbekirian- Saadé, Hamazkayin Lucy Tutunjian Art Gallery, Borj Hammoud, Lebanon
International Art Centre, Lebanon
16 Pittori Libanesi A Roma, Centro d’Arte, La Barcaccia, Rome, Italy
Gallery One, Beirut, Lebanon
European Excellency Trophy, Don Carlos Gallery, Spain
Prize of the European Excellency, Paris, France
Gold Medal, Rome, Italy
Gold Medal, Sao Paolo Biennale, Brazil
Gold Medal, Sursock Museum, Beirut, Lebanon
Three Gold Medals for his tapestries for the Presidential Palace, Beirut, Lebanon
First Prize, Sursock Museum, Beirut, Lebanon
Ramzi & Saeda Dalloul Art Foundation, Beirut, Lebanon
Queen Elizabeth the 2nd of England
King Fahad Bin Abdulaziz of Saudi Arabia
King Faysal Bin Abdulaziz of Saudi Arabia
King Hussein Bin Talal of Jordan
Prince Rainier of Monaco
Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis
Sheikh Mubarak Al-Sabah, Kuwait
Sheikha Hossa Saad Al-Sabah, Kuwait
Anthony Quinn
Georges Pepard
Liza Minelli
Kirk Douglas
Artists Contributing To Syria's Future: An Auction To Support Syria's Educational Aspirations
Jusoor, English
Auction Catalog
Agenda Culturel no.423 du 11 au 24 juillet 2012
Agenda Culturel
French, 2012
From Artist’s Archives
Collège Saint Joseph Antoura Exposition Hrair
Collège Saint Joseph Antoura
From Artist’s Archives
Resonances. 82 Lebanese artists reviewed by Helen Khal
Cesar Nammour & Gabriela Schaub
Fine Arts Publishing, English, 2011
Book pp. 138-141
Art From Lebanon. Modern and Contemporary Artists 1880-1975
Nour Salame Abillama & Marie Tomb
Wonderful Editions, English, 2012
Book pp.378-381
تقليد الفنان العالمي الأرمني هراير بأرفع وسام, Arabic, 2011
قوة البساطة وحديث مع معرض الفنان اللبناني هراير
يوسف أبو العز
From Artist’s Archives
Nouveau Magazine- Christiane Saleh- low.pdf
Christiane Saleh
Nouveau Magazine, French
From Artist’s Archives
Peinture Et Politique Sujets Tabous A La Soiree De Hrair
Scoop, French
From Artist’s Archives
H(r)air, de nouveau sur les écrans
Nouveau Magazine, French, 1987
From Artist’s Archives
هرير: امرأتي حنونة جداً، و حصاني يحب الحرية
ريما صيرفي
الحسناء, Arabic
From Artist’s Archives
Hrair 25 Ans D'Un Peintre De Legende
Nada Klink
Scoop, French, 1986
From Artist’s Archives
Hrair, dix ans après
Denise Ammoun
Magazine 14 Feu, French, 1974
From Artist’s Archives
الفنان هراير: الجمهور السعودي يملك الوعي و الحس التشكيلي
محمد المنيف
الجزيرة, Arabic, 1985
From Artist’s Archives
Hrair Diarbekirian "Lebanon" c.a 1969 Untitled oil and gold leaf on Masonite 85 x 65 cm, English
هرير في غاليري سكوير حكاية صعود فنان
فيصل سلطان
السفير, Arabic, 1991
From book كتابات مستعادة من ذاكرة فنون بيروت pp. 308-311
الفنان هراير يفتتح معرضه التشكيلي في بيروت, Arabic, 2003
Hrair leads way back to '60s and '70s
Chirine Lahoud
The Daily Star, English, 2011
"Nostalgie", By Hrair: A Unique Collection of Paintings (Lebanon), English, 2011
"HRAIR" Book Signing and "Splendor in Color" Exhibition at Byblos Bank
Byblos Bank, English, 2012
Press Release
Hrair & Annie Diarbekirian-Saade Exhibtion, English, 2016
معرض الفنان هراير في غاليري هاماسكائين, Arabic, 2016
Nawader en couleurs HRAIR Mix medias, French, 2018
Art Exhibition of Paintings By Hrair Diar Bekirian Set For L.A
The California Courrier, English, 1970
From Artist’s Archives rn
Les dernières oeuvres de Hrair à la galerie Boutros
French, 1973
From Artist’s Archives rn
! "ارابسكي" شفاف كتب إسم الله و... نجح
الحوادث, Arabic, 1977
From Artist’s Archives rn
Retrospective des Oeuvres de Hrair a la Galerie Chahine
Nicolas Malmahe Harfouche
French, 1979
From Artist’s Archives rn
Retrospective- Hrair Hier, Chez "Chahine"
Hala Khoury
Aux 4 Vents, French, 1979
From Artist’s Archives
Hrair: L'Enfant Cheri A L'Age De La Maturité
Alain Plisson
French, 1983
From Artist’s Archives
Exposition Hrair au "Hrair Atelier"
Nicolas Malmahe Harfouche
French, 1983
From Artist’s Archives
Exhibition of Lebanese artist opens
Suresh Shah
Arab News Local, English, 1984
From Artist’s Archives
أعمال الفنان توحى بالبهجة و السعادة
الأستاذ سعيد يوسف أمين
Arabic, 1985
From Artist’s Archives
Les Quatre Saisons de Hrair a "Epreuvre d'Artiste"
Frida Debbaneh
L'Orient Le Jour, French, 1986
From Artist’s Archives
هرير ٣ إتجاهات و في صحرائه هدوء
May Menassa
النهار, Arabic, 1986
From Artist’s Archives
هرير بين العين و الروح ريشة تنوع اجوائها
الأنوار, Arabic, 1986
From Artist’s Archives
Hrair A La Galerie Golden Touch De Tripoli-لوحات من هرير
L'Orient Le Jour-النهار, French, Arabic, 1986
From Artist’s Archives /Two articles
٤٤ لوحات متميزة في معرض الفنان العالمي هراير بجدة
أحمد حسن
الشرق الأوسط, Arabic, 1986
From Artist’s Archives
الأمير عبد العزيز بن ماجد يفتتح معرض الفنان العالمي هراير
صبحي الحداد
Arabic, 1986
From Artist’s Archives
Hrair seeks to convey feelings of optimism through paintings
Khaled Nazer
Arab News Staff, English, 1986
From Artist’s Archives
Ce Soir A La Galerie Epreuve d'Artiste Hrair Ou La Splendeur Du Vrai
Fifi Abou Dib
L'Orient Le Jour, French, 1988
From Artist’s Archives
Al-Massira-Weekly News Magazine.pdf
Al-Massira-Weekly News Magazine, Arabic, 1988
Hrair 88 :"Un monde de rêve et de légende"
Nouveau Magazine, French, 1988
From Artist’s Archives
معرض الفنان التشكيلي هرير جراحة لحم اللون و تخزيفه
زهير غانم
العواصف, Arabic, 1989
From Artist’s Archives
Hrair Exhibits at "Al-Mountada"
Monday Morning, English, 1990
From Artist’s Archives
التشكيلي هرير في صالة السيد بدمشق
زهير غانم
العواصف, Arabic, 1991
From Artist’s Archives
الفنان التشكيلي هراير في معرضه.. كأنك في حلم
فنون العدد, Arabic, 1991
From Artist’s Archives
Hrair A L'International Art Center
Nicole Malhame Harfouche
French, 1992
From Artist’s Archives
اختلفت الألوان .. و الموضوع واحد!
ماجد سلطان
أهل الهوى, Arabic, 1993
From Artist’s Archives
Lebanese artist arrives in Kuwait to present art exhibition
Arab Times, English, 1993
From Artist’s Archives
!الأصفر و الأحمر يبحثان عن الأزرق المرأة .. تنتظر الورد الحجري
سيد هويدي
Arabic, 1993
From Artist’s Archives
معرض الفنان اللبناني العالمي هرير : رسالة حب وسلام من نافذة الحلم
نشوى الشيخ
Arabic, 1993
From Artist’s Archives
في معرض الفنان التشكيلي اللبناني "هرير" لوحات تحاكي الأسطورة و تستلهم السلام في لغة موحدة
جهاد أيوب
القبس, Arabic, 1993
From Artist’s Archives
في صالة أرت أي فالور معرض الفنان هرير: من الزيت إلى الليتوغراف رؤية واحدة و تقنيات مختلفة
زهير غانم
Arabic, 1995
From Artist’s Archives
"El Dana" De Mimi Sedky a Riad.. Pour La Plus Grande Gloire De Hrair
Marie-Thérèse Arbid
From Artist’s Archives
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